week’s emotional journey took me back to the Tao and as a result, I’ve been
saying Fuck It all day long and quite
honestly, I’ve never felt better! In John C Parkin’s new book, F**k it! The Ultimate Spiritual Way, the
author translates Lao Tzu’s notion of “letting go, giving up and relaxing our
hold on things [attachment]” into the Western dysphemism. Parkins writes that
when “we stop taking seriously something that we usually take very seriously” we can release that attachment and exchange
it for the freedom that comes from taking life less seriously. “Why would I
want to do that?” you ask. Because taking life too seriously can tether you to
an ego-driven existence. Saying Fuck it!
to the things that are giving us anxiety puts things back into perspective and
opens the pathway for miracles to occur. After all, the miracle of
transformation begins with a new thought.
out Michael Neil’s formula for miracles
from The Inside Out Revolution
Mind+New Thought+Consciousness=New reality
Mind+New Thought+Consciousness=New reality
transformation can occur in the relaxed state of non-expectancy where we can
become receptors of new thoughts and inspiration as opposed to repeating a behavior
that reacts to the memorized script of fear. Choosing to make peace with the uncertainty of a circumstance places
you in the tipping point that leads you to take action. For example, you finally
stop giving a fuck about the
potential of failure and start writing your first book.
author also underscores the importance of relearning our insignificance. He
rationalizes that once you realize that you are “one person among 6.5 billion
people on earth” you stop obsessing over the small things that hold you back
and gain the true freedom of being yourself.
The expression gives us the opportunity of becoming children again and
inheriting the Kingdom of God because we can experience “the miracle of
existence” with new eyes (Mark 10:15). Taking into account that last
week’s entry focused on self-worth, this philosophy seems to create a paradox
in our journey towards authenticity. Though self-worth generates the freedom to
forgive our selves and reach for our dreams, attachment to self-worth presents
its own problems as well.
excessive attachment to self-worth can lead to an unjustified feeling of
entitlement, one of the most prevalent complaints of the Gen Y youth. The
resolution to this seeming contradiction rests in Aristotle’s definition of
virtue as “the mean between two vices”. For example, between the excess vices
of cowardice and recklessness lies the virtue of courage. Cultivating a healthy self-worth means rejecting both a superiority and
inferiority complex.
to the conditions of the present moment reminds me of the Zero Limits Joe Vitale
speaks about in his controversial book Zero
Limits: the Hawaiian System for
Health, Wealth, and More which has received much criticism for over
simplifying the Hawaiian Ho'oponopono philosophy. At the core of Joe Vitale’s book is the
recommendation to reach the illusive state he calls zero limits:“Zero Limits is
about returning to the zero state, where nothing exits but anything is
possible. In the zero state there are no thoughts, words, deeds, memories,
programs, beliefs or anything else. Just nothing.” Giving up and saying Fuck It
to a situation can put us in contact with this space and can synchronize us
with new possibilities. To run from a memory free program very much
resembles Eckhart Tolle’s philosophy of remaining in the present moment. Nevertheless,
miracles occur in a moment of reframing and saying Fuck It to a situation does not ignore fears but faces them head on.
only complaint against John C. Parkin’s book is that he utilizes a style that
tries too hard to come across as trendy. Nevertheless, besides the Inside Out Revolution, F**ck It the Ultimate
Spiritual Guide is another essential survival book for the aspiring Type K.
The Type K’s ultimate
say Fuck It to whatever you want to
be. And just be who you are. There is no need to be anything else. There is no
need to self-develop, or improve. There is no need to be like anyone else. You
are just fine exactly as you are right now. Just feel that now, all those bits
of you that you don’t like, that you’re embarrassed about, they’re all fine.
What you think of as your worst side is just the same as what you think of as
your best side.” – John C Pakin